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來源:《俄羅斯東歐中亞研究》2015年第4期 2016年04月06日

  Harmony in Diversity:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union Li Yongquan

  The Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union are two different forms of cooperation. The former seeks mutual beneficial and win-win economic cooperation, while the latter pursues a close cooperation in various fields of integration,including political, economic, cultural, security, and so on. The interests of the two kind of cooperation are not conflicting. They can completely realize the coordinated development, and jointly cope with various challenges.

  The Silk Road Economic Belt: 2015 Model Sergey Luzyanin and Sergei Sazonov

  The article analyses the financial, economic, transport and investment situation based on survey of China’s One Belt and One Road. At the same time, with Russian evaluation of China’s Initiative, the possibility of closeness of three mechanism, including the Silk Road Economic Belt, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian Economic Union, was discussed.

  Concept of the Silk Road Economic Belt and Its Impact on Central Asia K.Serayeshkin

  Concept of One Belt One Road is the result of many factors. It not only shows that China’s diplomacy entered the new stage, but also reflects that China’s diplomacy took a qualitative leap. China hopes to solve various problems that encountered in its development through One Belt One Road. Generally speaking, Central Asian countries embrace this concept and would like to participate in it, but academic circles there still have some doubts about it. The Silk Road Economic Belt is in competiveness with the Eurasian Economic Union. The Silk Road Economic Belt construction has advantages and disadvantages in the context of game between big powers.

  Economic Corridor Among China, Russia and Mongolia for Advancing Regional Economic Cooperation in North-East Asi Li Xin

  China, Russia and Mongolia are facing common urgent task: rapid development of economy. China should takes construction of China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor as the gripper to achieve the following aims: docking the Silk Road Economic Belt with Russia’s Eurasian development belt and the Mongolian prairie road, combining the strategy of rejuvenating northeast China with the Russian Far East development strategy and Mongolia’s national strategy of mining, attracting investors from Japan, South Korea and the United States to participate in Northeast Asian regional economic cooperation and build up Northeast Asian Free Trade Area, working in connect with upgraded China - ASEAN free trade area and regional comprehensive economic partnership to from the basic framework of FTAAP.

  China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in New Era Zhao Mingwen

  In 2014 China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination entered a new phase of development under the background of complicate international and regional situation. China increasingly deepened cooperation with Russia in various areas, while Russia gradually changed,that it hadn’t before,the timidity in cooperation with China and cancelled some limitations in cooperation with China. It makes a breakthrough in military and energy cooperation between the two countries. At the time when it turns the strategic focus into the Asia-Pacific region, Russia’s all-round, wide-ranging and deep cooperation with China has come ahead of time, although the bilateral cooperation in various fields is still faces many challenges.

  Western Researchers’ Debate over Sino-Russia’s Strategic Partnership Hu Bing

  With the change of power structure of the international system since the end of the Cold War, strategic relationship between China and Russia has been adjusted three times. During past two decades Western researchers has paid close attention to the Sino-Russian strategic interaction and focused on the questions as follow: the essence of the strategic partnership between China and Russia, development of the strategic partnership and its impact on America and the rest of the West. The western analysis not only provided “the third perspective” for study of relations between China and Russia, but also presented a reference for dealing with the strategic relationship among China, Russia and the United States.

  Regionalism and Regional Cooperation in SEE Under the Background of the EU Enlargement Hu Yong

  Since the late 1990 s, under the background of EU enlargement, appeared regionalism in Southeast Europe (SEE) and strengthening regional cooperation. Whether intra-regionalism or sub-regionalism, however, depends on the EU’s promotion, especially the stimulation of the EU enlargement. Cooperation in SEE doesn’t to seek the regional integration but a wider European integration, eventually have all SEE countries to acquire the membership of the EU. The tension between multilateral regional cooperation and bilateral EU’s accession negotiations, however, resulted in underpowered and difficult in cooperation in SEE. As a result, the EU’S enlargement shapes cooperation in SEE, on the one hand, and determines the limits of this cooperation, on the other.

  Position of Visegrad Group and the Future of Central Europe Kong Tianping

  Visegrad Group is an important sub-regional organization in Europe. Its position in the European economic and political status cann’t be ignored. Visegrad Group has multifunction: carrier of the spirit of Central Europe, the stage of regional cooperation, and platform of safeguarding the interests of the member states. As the development of Europe’s situation, what course does Visegrad Group to follow in some way will determine the future of Central Europe.

  The Soviet Factor in the Normalization of Relation Between China and Eastern Europe Ma Xipu

  In the early 1980 s, relations between China and Eastern European countries began to improve. To prevent this trend, however, the Soviet Union tried to use Interkit, which was established in Moscow in 1967, to form Anti-China front. Interkit served as a forum where the International Department of the Soviet Politburo essentially tried to dictate the China policies of respective allied states and to expand the field of public opinion about anti-China. So some scholars called it as the Third International controlled by CPSU, after the Cominternl and Cominform. At the time when China was carrying out reform and opening policy, and East European countries was taking reform and improving of the existing system as the government’s priority, the normalization of relations between China and the Eastern European countries become an irresistible trend. So Interkit did not achieve its original goals instead become the platform for Eastern European countries to understand China.